Complete recycling of concrete


In France, only a part of concrete from construction waste is recycled, mainly for road works.

The aim of the National Project for Research and Development RECYBETON is to change this trend by re-using all the materials of deconstructed concrete, as components of new concrete or hydraulic binders, including the fine particles.

An extensive literature research study was conducted to establish the state of the art on the subject in France and abroad. Technological and scientist bottlenecks were identified and allowed a research program to be built, declined under three main subjects of research and development: technologies and processes, materials and structures, sustainable development.

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9 rue de Berri 75008 PARIS


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Administrative et financing management

9 rue de Berri
75008 PARIS
E-mail :
Tel : +33 (0)1 44 13 32 79


Président : Jacques ROUDIER (IREX)
Directeur : Horacio COLINA (ATILH)
Directeur Scientifique : François de LARRARD (LAFARGE LCR)

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